Guaranteed to fit...
Glow-Key™ Products International, LLC. Glow in the dark and reflect in the light Computer Keyboards and Stickers All Rights Reserved.

We guarantee complete satisfaction, backed by a 5 year guarantee protecting against fading, cracking, chipping, defective from workmanship or your money back!

Glow-Key™ glowing computer keyboard stickers will fit your laptop, desktop, or PDA keyboard(s), AND IT GLOWS or send the product back for your full refund.

We also guarantee our product will add more years to your keyboard(s) and protect them from farther deterioration. "Our characters will never rub off!"

Glow-Key™ is proud to be completely independent and a socially responsible company using natural resources of reusable materials and energy. Our product solutions are small but makes a big differences to helping our world become a little more cleaner.

Our soon to be released, Glow-Key™ keyboards will also have our iron clad guarantee and support our environment.

Thank You for your patronage and tell your friends about us and please come back again...




Glow-Key™ is a registered trademark of Glow-Key™ Products International, LLC.

GK-Mid-Night Surfers ltd.