Glow-Key computer keyboards are pre-manufactured computer keyboards developed with our glowing materials.
Glow-Key keyboards are available only through Glow-Key authorized resalers and OEM entities.
Glow-Key stickers are designed for (100% of the market) existing computer keyboards providing them the power to glow in the dark and reflect in the light.
Glow-Key stickers are available only through Glow-Key authorized resalers and OEM entities.
Only $12.00 per template: (click here) to order!
Above, simulates what happens when Glow-Key keyboards are in the dark. By moving your mouse over the "G" key's, changes the characters from white (non-glowing), to a solid (glowing color) and when moving your mouse over the solid color (non glowing) "K" key's, the solid color glows. There are many color combonations available and...
our computer keyboards with glowing keycaps are coming soon! (not available.)